Becoming a volunteer
The club is run for the benefit of its players but needs a small army of volunteers to operate properly. From the committee to the U6 cadets coaches, everyone who devotes their time to the operation of the club is of vital importance and there can never be too many! We are a proud holder of the FAI Club Mark and this puts an onus on us to adhere to very high standards of child welfare and coaching. At cadets level, U10's and below, there is always a need to have as many coaches as possible involved to ensure the kids get the most out of every training session. And if you don't fancy doing the on-the-pitch stuff we always need admin volunteers to run communications around training, matches and blitzes.
We encourage all of our parents to get Garda Vetted as an initial step as this allows you to be present on the training pitch of sideline and is of great assistance to coaches when running blitzes or even for smaller kids who need a little bit of reassurance from mum or dad during a session.
The process is relatively easy and the documents required are below. Once you complete these you need to ask our Child Welfare Officer to confirm your ID by reviewing the documents before you submit them to the FAI. Aside from that the whole process is done online. You can download the documents here
The Colga Executive Committee.
You can view the policy documents below and also download a PDF of the relevant file by clicking on these links
The Garda Vetting ID application shows what supporting ID you can submit with your Garda Vetting Application.
All the information you need to provide is in these documents but you can view a demo video here which shows you the whole process VIEW VIDEO
The steps for attaining Garda Vetting are as follows:
Go to https://support.faiconnect.ie/home/mycomet and click “BOOK A COURSE NOW”
Click SIGN UP – I need a MyComet Account (if you already have an account, click LOGIN)
Complete the Sign-Up Form
When you receive your login details, log into the website - https://faiconnect.ie/mycomet
In the Welcome screen type “Online Garda” and the Vetting Application will appear below
Click Start
On the next screen, click the option “NOT ATTENDING” and change this to “APPLY”
In the window that appears, complete the form:
Photo Identification - Passport/Drivers License/Gov ID Card
Garda Vetting ID Validation Form – all the relevant information is on this page
Consent & Disclosure: I AGREE
Role being Vetted for: COACH
Name of Organisation: COLGA F.C.
Proof of Address - must be dated within last 6 months.
Click APPLY and follow the on screen instructions to finish
Fill out the forms and get Section 2 signed by David Kilkelly (0877592516) ​
Provided all the application details were entered correctly, the FAI will upload your details will be entered into the National Vetting Bureau e-vetting system. This may take up to 3 weeks.
You will then receive an e-mail from the National Vetting Bureau inviting you to complete the next stage of the process (this link expires after 30 days).
After clicking the link and following the instructions, you will receive a tracking number which you can use to track the status of your Garda vetting application online.
If there are any issues with your application details or documents, you will be notified of by e-mail and you can start the process again.
When all checks are completed, a Garda vetting disclosure will be returned to the FAI. ​